It is natural for a child to get angry when he was frustrated. Young children who display violent behavior, however, are only going to get worse as they get older. It is never too early or too late to teach anger management. Your out-of-control teenager can also benefit from these steps. Read on to learn how to teach children anger management.
· 1
Create a safe environment for your children to express their feelings. Anger isn't wrong but violence and foul language should not be tolerated. Make sure they know the difference.
· 2
Encourage your kids to talk about their anger. You will find yourself dealing with passive-aggressive behavior if you don't get it out of their system. This is just as destructive as violence.
· 3
Teach your children to let the anger pass through them. Suppressing negative emotions can lead to physical ailments as well as violence and stress. Experiencing painful feelings is the only way to make them go away.
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Help them identify situations that make them angry. Get them a tutor if they are frustrated with a subject in school. Find a counselor to help them deal with social situations that make them lose control.
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Teach your older children to monitor their behavior for warning signs of anger. Find ways to work around situations that are a challenge like certain "friends" and activities.
· 6
Experiment with anger management techniques like visualization, deep breathing and meditation. Practice them with your children so they don't feel funny doing them.
· 7
Be a model to your children. Learn about anger management and use the techniques when arguing with them. Show them how deep breathing helps mom calm down too.
Excellent, easy to do and remember! Good work. Reduce to seven words, maybe.
ReplyDelete...and here's a meta 8th:teach them about the fight-or flight reptilian brain stem and the amigdala, and the mamalian limbic system and running things up the line to the adult brain--the prefrontal cortex for processing before reacting.